Go live of our HMS series online Hospital Managment Software.
Creativity gives immense pleasure and satisfaction!! We had no plans absolutely and idea on how to handle the skilled but non-computer literate human resource of a Hospital in Miraj -Maharashtra.
From 31 st Jan to 5 Feb we achieved this pleasure and satisfaction when we launched our first software product HMS series for Orthopedic OPD, Laboratory,Xray and Physiotherpay .
The trainers were initially modulating the levels on what to deliver and gaauge the response on whats coming on to them but in few ours after few wrong hits and attemepts our trainers efforts gave them the tremendous energy and momentum and then there was no stopping...
The hospital now is online 24 hours advantage that doctors/staff can access their status anyime anywhere!!
Savings on manual methods of paper based records managment and patients waiting time and lot many adavantages.
The Doctors are very much satisfied and happy to be online!! Our Team efforts and creativity brought into reality.