We provide, highly professional & excelling services with WEB/IT enabled solutions, applications, data processing and storage with Office located in
Pune-M.S. India.

Our Domains are Environmental Management, Health Care, Asset Management, Human Resource skill Development.

Our Team

Our services presently are totally Customised to suit a solution of “Problem Statement”  of your needs. Teams are configured according to the customer needs . A Team comprise of Highly qualified, Internationally experienced members from Associate /Partners. The Domain expert/s and IT specialist Team members are in Lead. Organisational requirement is rendered based on the services required.

Typically, a Team Comprises of One /more of each category of Permanent Members of Niki InfoTech, Associates, Partners and Hired professional (need Based) to provide Customers satisfactory solution.

Our Skills

  • Technical software for various applications in Engineering, Products, Automation, Calculation tools
  • Total Business Solutions, Project Management, Data management
  • Digital conversions
  • Data Processing & Operations
  • Business mapping for regulatory compliance
About us